This is the list of features I want to design into the CtrlMtr board. I
need to resist the urge to over-design by adding too many features.
Each new design needs to take small, incremental steps from the
Single USB interface for programming and control.
Serial port device (COM port) interface to the PC.
CNC command interpreter
Direct JTAG interface to the MSP430 using a "no-parts" Tag-Connect
Single 12VDC power input.
Fully autonomous "fire and forget" operation.
Continues to run after USB is disconnectd.
3-axis stepper motor control.
Screw-down terminals for the motor power leads.
Onboard MSP430 allows extremely complex motor routines.
Connectors for a large number of external sensor inputs or digital
control signals.
"At cost" price: $35.00
List price: $50.00
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