
Functional Testing

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2016-05-29 01:44:28 chip Page 1715 📢 PUBLIC

May 28 2016

The first tests were "Signs of Life" for the two MSPs, connecting to the JTAG ports and seeing if the probe would recognize, program, and single-step. The probe recognized both MSPs, and I was able to program and single-step the 5529. I will need to create a project for the 5528 to test it further.

The Motor power converter is working, 5VDC to 12VDC in and 5VDC out.

I need to set P3.5 HI to set MTR_/SLEEP to "not sleep". The sense of the SLEEP led is inverted, ON when not sleep, OFF when sleep.

The 5/3.3V regulator is not working, and the FET doesn't provide enough power to run the A3967s. So I can't turn any motors. I somehow forgot to connect Vin (U402:3) to VCC_5V! This is a design flaw in the schematic, and due to the tiny size of the regulator there is no hope of hooking a jumper to it. I could use a second bench power supply to pump 3.3V into TP401, which should allow me to turn the motors. I'm not sure it is worth the effort though.

Functional testing can't proceed too much further than running code on the MSPs. I will continue to try blinking the leds.

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