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2016-04-28 05:12:42 chip Page 1678 📢 PUBLIC

ezFET open source package.

This page talks about setting the master clock to run the MSP430F5529 faster. I will need to add a high-frequency crystal (8-16MHz) to XT2 to enable these speeds. E2E thread about running at 25MHz.


Is the MSP430 usable as a speed controller for a quadcopter?

Quadcopter motors spin between 10K and 15K RPM, with 12 steps per revolution, giving 120K steps/minute, 2K steps/second, 500us per step. This is well within the normal operating speed of the MSP430 at 1MHz (1us) without overclocking.

The slowest speed would be 65535us * 12 steps / revolution= 0.79 seconds/rev = 76RPM. I would need to cascade timers to run slower.

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