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2016-05-09 22:24:24 chip Page 1687 📢 PUBLIC

May 10 2016

The paper board has been built successfully a couple times now, and I am confident there are no major physical problems with the design. I did make some very minor changes to the layout, however, and that means rebuilding the PnP project and creating a new paper board.

Final Layout

I have made changes to the layout since building the paper board, but even the tiniest change is a revision and a whole new PCB. I make sure the layout is up-to-date by renewing the layout from the schematic, which means losing my mounting holes, fiducials, and horizontal reference line. All these will need to be rebuilt.

I add the mounting holes, keeping the same relative distance between them. (See {THREAD_LINK:1442}) I add the three fiducials (even though only two will ever be used) and the horizontal reference line.

Mistake icon

The horizontal reference would have been very useful, if it had appeared on the board. I talked to engineering support at BAC and learned that only the top and bottom silk layers are printed. The assembly layers are used to communicate notes from the designer to the fabrication and assembly teams, but won't appear on the finished boards.

Holes and Fiducials:


Horizontal reference line:

ItemP1 mmP2 mm
HORZ REF(-44.00,-39.00)(-28.00,-43.00)


CtrlMtr02.1 Top layer CtrlMtr02.1 GND layer CtrlMtr02.1 Layer 3 CtrlMtr02.1 bottom layer

I will be exporting the layout again, creating a new PnP project, making a new paper board, and building the new paper board before submitting the PCB order. Hopefully this will go much more quickly with all the feeders already assigned and loaded. Since this will be a new PnP project, I am bumping the silkscreen version to "CtrlMtr02.1", although the layout will continue to use the filename CtrlMtr02.dip. I am repeating the same procedure as before ({THREAD_LINK:1452}).

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