
DipTrace Overview

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2014-07-21 19:36:31 chip Page 1061 📢 PUBLIC

DipTrace is split into four separate programs: Schematic Capture, Component Editor, Pattern Editor, and PCB Layout. The workflow is typically to start with the schematic, add components as needed, finish the schematic, determine precisely which parts will be used by creating the BoM (Bill of Materials), create patterns for any new components, and finally create the PCB layout.

The Component Editor and Pattern Editor both use libraries. The Components are stored in *.eli files and essentially describe the pins and optional electrical characteristics. The Patterns are stored in *.lib files and map pins to pads and describe the geometry of the pads.

The initial temptation is to create universally shared Component and Pattern libraries. Experience has shown (me) that this is not the best approach. It is better to create project-specific libraries, copying objects from a master library when available. At the conclusion of the project, as part of the mothballing process, newly created or corrected objects are copied into the master libraries. The benefit of this approach is that the exact components used in the project are preserved in the project-specific libraries as they exist at that time even if the master library is later updated, and (even more importantly) every component used in the project will exist in the project-specific libraries.

Update 20160321: Novarm has release DipTrace 3.0. The mechanics of the program doesn't seem to have changed much, the change I notice most is the migration from Win32 GDI to DirectX to render the screen. The upgrade from 2.x Full Edition to 3.x is $224, which I purchased today.

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