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2015-12-24 19:14:14 chip Page 1493 📢 PUBLIC

Dec 24 2015

Gumstix sells the "Caspa" camera peripheral for the Overo boards. Caspa is built around the Aptiva MT9V032 sensor, which is a sibling of the MT9M032 used on the BLIS project. I am following the instructions on the gumstix wiki page.

The Caspa ships with a cap to protect the lens, don't forget to remove the cap when trying to acquire an image.

I need to connect the Caspa to the Overo using the flat ribbon cable. I know from experience that the lock-down connectors for the ribbon cable are delicate and will only survive a limited number of insertion procedures. The biggest risk to the system is failure of the connector on the Overo COM due to excessive flexing of the cable. If (when) this connector fails, the whole $180 COM is rendered useless for video. This is a real problem when working with loose boards that are exposed to a lot of bumping and jostling on the workbench. It would be prudent to create a rigid fixture for the Overo/Tobi/Caspa board before connecting the camera.

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