
Initial Order

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2015-12-17 23:41:49 chip Page 1469 📢 PUBLIC

Dec 17 2015

I ordered a gumstix IronStorm-Y board for my own use. I am hoping to use this as the brains behind an autonomous ground-based vehicle with computer vision. Focusing on a ground-based chassis lets me avoid the pitfalls of constantly worrying about weight, flight time, wireless requirements, and dangerous out-of-control issues. It isn't as glamorous as the aerial drones, but much more practical and easier to work on.

Motor control will be accomplished by integrating my JumpMtr (JumpMtr) board.

My initial gumstix kit includes:

The entire kit cost $364.04 including shipping and handling.

The goal is to mount the gumstix onto a commodity RC car or tank chassis and have the Overo control the motors and steering in response to digital control commands received over the WiFi link. The vehicle will then send camera images back to the base station.

The order (100000770) was processed and shipped on Friday, and should arrive Wednesday or Thursday before Christmas.

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