
Loading Parts

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2014-07-21 19:54:28 chip Page 1072 📢 PUBLIC

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TODO: All the Pick-n-Place configuration steps.

Apply Solder Paste

Load Parts in Machine

Removing a Reel From a Feeder

Part reels should not be left sitting in the feeders for prolonged periods. The reels will deform after a time, as they are not suspended by a central axle (as any sane person would think) but are instead sitting on two pins at the bottom, and the tension bar is pressing down on the top of the reel. Also, the component tape will start to hold its shape after a while and cause jams. Plus, the reels should be stored in their proper inventory place.

Start the AutoTronik program; it needs to be running to energize the feeders. If a feeder is mounted in the staging area, the leds on the feeder will blink as AutoTronik starts.

To remove a reel from a feeder, you will need to mount the feeder into the staging platform on the machine and use the machine's power to operate the tractor motor. Do not try to pull the tape out of the tractor mechanism manually, this may damage the tractor motor, gears, feeder tape, and cause jams.

The reel should be stored with about 12" of empty parts and cover tape to minimize parts loss when remounting the reel later. Trim only empty tape that is dangling below the feeder.

Take the feeder to the machine. There is a feeder staging area on the front left corner. Insert the feeder by first aligning the DB9 serial connector, then pressing the lever on the upper back of the feeder to release the clip on the bottom. Settle the feeder into position and release the lever. Trim any excess used tape that is dangling below the feeder.

Unwind and remove the spent cover tape from the pickup wheel. Do not remove the wheel. The end of the tape will be snagged in the pickup tooth, gently tug until the tape comes out. Do not cut the tape, or leave any tape inside the pickup wheel.

Lift the tractor cover by pulling the release lever on the far upper corner of the feeder. Remove the cover tape from the tractor guide by feeding it by hand through the hole. Drape the excess cover tape where it will not be caught up in the tractor gear.

Use the back button on the feeder to reverse the tape out of the tractor feed, gently lifting the tape straight up to avoid tangles and jams. Do not trim the tape.

Once the tape has cleared the tractor gear, pull the tape back through the feeder guides until the tape is completely clear of the feeder. Remove the reel from the feeder and wind the extra empty tape, including the cover tape, back onto the reel and secure the loose end with lightweight tape. Place the reel back into inventory, being sure to update the Inventory database.

Remove the reel spool from the feeder by lifting it up and disengaging the keyed tabs. Place the reel in its proper inventory location, and update its location in the inventory database.

Go back to the machine, snap the feeder's tractor cover back into place by gently pressing down on it. Remove the feeder from the staging platform by pressing the release lever and lifting it, outboard end first. It should come out easily. Place the feeder in its proper storage location.

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