
First Build

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2014-07-21 20:06:19 chip Page 1079 📢 PUBLIC

Friday May 8 2014

The first BlinkMtr01 board built OK, but the MSP430 failed to connect. The programmer complained about an invalid voltage reading. I am assuming that the driver IC is mismatched on the voltage level and is pulling the VCC too low. So I need to build a second board with just the MSP430 parts to test the JTAG connector.

The MSP430-only parts are:

  1. MSP1 - MSP430
  2. Y1 - 32KHz XTAL
  3. D1 - Green LED, Motor STEP
  4. D2 - Red LED, Motor STOP
  5. D3 - Green LED, Power In
  6. D4 - Amber LED, Motor /RESET
  7. R1 - 47K
  8. R2 - 1K
  9. R3 - 1K
  10. R18 - 1K
  11. R19 - 1K
  12. C1 - 0.01uF
  13. C2 - 10uF
  14. C3 - 0.1uF

Well, that did not work either. Reviewing the schematic I find the problem: I used the wrong Vcc pin on the JTAG14 connector. I connected Vcc/Ext instead of Vcc/Tool. Oops.

EZ430 BlinkMtr01 build no power

I believe the PowerExt is connected correctly, so I solder a 2-pin header in place and connect my lab power supply at 3.4V/0.25A. Still no signs of life. :(

It is strange that I don't at least see the green power LED (D3) light up. It is connected directly to power and ground. After examining it under the microscope and comparing it to my KGR Blinky01, I discover that D3 has been placed backwards (again!).

EZ430 BlinkMtr01 LED backward
Note that the black square/star pad on the LED is not on the diode bar side!

EZ430 BlinkMtr01 LED correct
This is a correctly placed Rohm 0402 LED. The cathode (ground) is the star-shaped pad with the black square. On the schematic and silkscreen, the diode bar is on the ground side.

How do I make sure I don't make this mistake again? This is the part specification from the Rohm datasheet (sml-p11_p-eco.pdf):

EZ430 BlinkMtr01 Rohm LED part specification

The label on the part reel reads "SML-P11MTT86", which translates to low current, yellow/green, transparent, cathode at sprocket hole side. The sprocket is on the left.

EZ430 BlinkMtr01 LED sprocket

The component pattern also has the cathode on the left, so this should be a pick angle of 0 (normal).

EZ430 BlinkMtr01 DipTrace LED pattern

Unfortunately, I somehow decided the pick angle should be 180. This is wrong. It should be 0 (Normal).

EZ430 BlinkMtr01 PnP Pick Angle Wrong PkAngle

This is corrected in the "Setup > Learn Feeder ID" dialog. Both the red and green LEDs need to be changed to "Normal". It must also be updated in the "Learn Pick" window.

I toss another $20 in the garbage and build another board... I am expecting to at least see the green power LED light up when I apply power to the PowerExt pins.

Another practical lesson: It is easier to deal with solid copper wires soldered into the PowerExt holes than the 2-pin header.

Success! At least the power led lights up....

Success! With external power, I am able to program BlinkMtr01!

EZ430 BlinkMtr assembly build working

I still have 3 more boards left, so I go for broke and build a fully populated board... The assembly has now become almost routine.

Success! I am able to program the fully populated board!

Fail! However, the Tag-Connect does not work. "Unknown device." The JTAG14 connector works, so I will leave the TC2050 for later.

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