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2016-07-30 15:15:39 chip Page 1794 📢 PUBLIC

DbgOut: The name of the whole logging and tracing system.

DbgOutRT: The version of DbgOut adapted to the Xenomai real-time operating system. This version of DbgOut is able to trace and log even inside the real-time hardware interrupt handlers.

DbgOut11.sys: The Windows device driver that collects and collates the data streams on the target system.

DbgOut11.ko: The Linux kernel module that collects and collates the data streams on the target system.

DbgOutRelay: The program that relays the DbgOut data streams from a source to a destination. The source can be the DbgOut driver on the target system or another instance of DbgOutRelay across the network. The destination can be a local file (data store) or another instance of DbgOutRelay across the network.

DbgScope: The Windows program that reads a data store created by DbgOutRelay and presents it visually.

Target (system): The computer that is being logged (BLIS).

Workstation: The Windows computer that will be used to run DbgScope.

Data Store: The results of a logging session. DbgOutRelay writes to a Data Store and DbgScope reads from it.

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