
Post Mortem

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2014-07-21 20:15:35 chip Page 1086 📢 PUBLIC

Saturday May 31 2014

Overall, this board built very well with only a couple minor hiccups. The parts assembly is becoming routine.

Not enough clearance around JTAG14 header. This has been fixed in the EZ430 pattern library.

Bad first build. This was the result of trying to rush the build and not testing in the lab. Operator error.

Always label external connection pins. I forgot to label the motor output pins.

Use wire leads for power inputs. External power is usually applied using alligator clips, which makes header pins dangerous. Final production boards would use either terminal blocks or custom power connectors.

Even a small heat sink helps a lot!

Power Connectors should be wires, not headers, for lab testing. Production power headers need to use the thick posts. TODO: Measure the exact thickness and mating length.

Builds are becoming easier. Practice makes perfect, and I am becoming comfortable with the PnP machine and the solder iron. I no longer look at the PnP machine with a feeling of dread, which is definite progress. Applying solder paste using stencils has become routine. I am also becoming more aware of when precision is critical and when it is not.

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