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2016-07-30 15:17:00 chip Page 1795 📢 PUBLIC

BLIS is the target system and the Windows laptop will hold the data store. You will need to copy DbgOut11.ko and DbgOutRelay onto the target systems and launch them. You will also need to replace blister and omap3-isp.ko with the instrumented versions.

The Windows laptop will need to run DbgOutRelay to accept the data stream from BLIS and write it to a data store.

UPDATE 2016/08/04: DbgOutRelay (for Windows) now accepts multiple connections from remote DbgOutRelay stations. This means you can launch a single instance of DbgOutRelay on your workstation (laptop) that will handle all the remote BLIS streams.

  1. Download BLIS_TestPak.tgz and
    [FILE 7070] RT/MultiRelay, August 9 2016
    [FILE 7068] July 29 2016 1605
    [FILE 7063]
    [FILE 7064]
    [FILE 7065]
  2. Unzip on your workstation.
  3. Make sure there are no blister processes running.
    BLIS> killall blister
  4. Copy the files from the BLIS directory to the target.
    WIN> pscp DbgOutRelay root@blis-host:/home/root/dbgout/
  5. Archive the current version of blister.
    BLIS> cp /usr/bin/blister blister.production
  6. Archive the current version of omap3_isp.ko
    BLIS> cp /lib/modules/3.2.16/extra/omap3_isp.ko omap3_isp.production
  7. Copy the blister options file and enable DbgOut.
    BLIS> cp /usr/bin/master.opt dbgout.opt BLIS> vi dbgout.opt
  8. Create a BLIS DbgOutRelay launch script.
    BLIS> vi r rmmod omap3-isp insmod DbgOut11.ko insmod omap3-isp.ko ./DbgOutRelay --server DEVICE --datastore TCP: &
  9. Create a workstation DbgOutRelay launch script.
    WIN> notepad r.bat .\DbgOutRelay --server LISTENTCP: --datastore DataStore\%%C\%%T
  10. Create a workstation DbgScope launch script.
    WIN> notepad v.bat .\DbgScope --datastore . --open DataStore\C\T C and T are the connection and timestamp subdirectory names.
  11. Make sure port 7710 is unblocked for outbound connections from BLIS and inbound connections on the workstation.

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