Dec 22 2015
OK, now I know what I am doing... I rebuild the yocto environment, starting from creating the Overo directory. Started at 10:20am (18:20 GMT).
10:27> Before investing any more time in this reincarnation, I want to make sure the instance will stop and restart without losing any data. Yes, it survived.
I resume the yocto build. The fetchall was launched at 18:34:34 GMT and completed at 18:42:52. The image build was launched at 18:43:33 and completed as 19:48:11, just over an hour.
In the meantime, I modified the script and cooked
a boot disk from the image I created last night. Miraculously, it
booted up!
root@overo:~# uname -a
Linux overo 3.18.18-custom #1 SMP Tue Dec 22 06:43:36 UTC 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux
11:50> The bitbake has finished. I pull the image files down to my local computer. I am using a Windows host machine and a Ubuntu/Linux VM (using VMware Workstation 11.1.2). I am using Putty on my Windows machine to connect to vekolako, so it is easiest to copy the files into a shared folder using Putty's pscp and the ssh key in the vekolako configuration. It takes about 10 minutes to download the files over my 2Mb DSL connection. (Which is about the same time it takes vekolako to pull the entire Yocto universe.)
Then run my script to format the microSD boot disk and populate it. It takes about 3 minutes to format the card (depending on its capacity) and 3-4 minutes to copy the rootfs files.
Double Success! Like most things, it looks simple after it's done.